If you just happened to come to this blog, you are at the beginning with Lisa Peters- http://handmadewithlove-lisa.blogspot.com/.
We're so excited to be doing this hop and we have a fabulous lineup with some very talented ladies. There will be lots of fun projects, along with some great blog candy, and a great grand prize for this hop.
The hop is a 13 day hop with only 13 blogs to visit so you will have plenty of time to make it through the whole hop lineup 13 times. Check out each blog and see what blog candy you can win at the individual stops. Please come back all 13 days to see great projects.
Here is the complete lineup:
Lisa - http://handmadewithlove-lisa.blogspot.com/
Pam - http://pammejo-scrapbookflair.blogspot.com/
Janet - http://createatdreamscrapbooks.blogspot.com/
Doris - http://mybugandmecreate.blogspot.com
Kristen - http://huneebcreations.blogspot.com/
Nicolette - www.beyondscrapin.blogspot.com/
Jearise - http://lorbysworld.blogspot.com/ <--- You Are Here
Tami - http://www.tamboscreations.blogspot.com/<--- Please Go Here
Amy - http://lv2scrapandfibrofacts.blogspot.com/
Brynn - http://www.flairandfrillscreativity.blogspot.com
Scraps to Treasures - http://scraps2treasure.blogspot.com
CallyAnn - http://callyanncraftycreations.blogspot.com
Gill - http://creationsbygillm.blogspot.com
To be eligible for the grand prize, you must visit each blog and leave a comment. You also MUST visit my blog and leave a comment on my blog for the day and also become a follower at "Scrapping With Lisa" and my facebook page:http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scrapping-with-Lisa/130882060268842. Please let me know if you don't do facebook and I won't count that against you for the blog candy. Now for the blog candy, I bet you are wondering what it could be. It will be a big treat bag full of goodies. I will also be posting an individual prize for each day of the hop also that everyone who hops that day will have a chance to win.
Velcome to my blog. Mwa ha ha.
I have some wonderful pictures I've taken the past few days of all the Halloween festivities we've been up to. We've gone pumpkin picking, one Halloween party(which I organized and hosted), and carved pumpkins so lots of pictures and not enough time to scrap them all. That's where my new back up plan comes into play - digital scrap booking.
I posted a picture of my three pumpkin picking yesterday and left the sides of the digital scrap book page the way they would be if I were to order a digital scrap book on line. Today I've taken that same page and cropped the sides using Picasa, my photo fix program.
I also added two more digital pages of my two youngest in their Halloween costumes.
The program I used leaves an area around the outside so if you have it bound in a photobook you won't cut off your creativeness. I could have brought the embellishments all the way to the outside while making this page or I could have used a program like Picaso to crop it once I saved it as a jpeg. I opted to do neither so you could see what it looks like if I were to have it made into a photobook.
I used for my digital scrap book page.
I have some wonderful pictures I've taken the past few days of all the Halloween festivities we've been up to. We've gone pumpkin picking, one Halloween party(which I organized and hosted), and carved pumpkins so lots of pictures and not enough time to scrap them all. That's where my new back up plan comes into play - digital scrap booking.
I posted a picture of my three pumpkin picking yesterday and left the sides of the digital scrap book page the way they would be if I were to order a digital scrap book on line. Today I've taken that same page and cropped the sides using Picasa, my photo fix program.
I also added two more digital pages of my two youngest in their Halloween costumes.
The program I used leaves an area around the outside so if you have it bound in a photobook you won't cut off your creativeness. I could have brought the embellishments all the way to the outside while making this page or I could have used a program like Picaso to crop it once I saved it as a jpeg. I opted to do neither so you could see what it looks like if I were to have it made into a photobook.
I used for my digital scrap book page.

BLOG CANDY - It's like Halloween candy but without the calories.
I'll have to post later what's in my blog hop candy box today. I'm still cleaning out and putting away from our move but I'll have a box full by Monday - I promise.
There are only two requirements for this: 1. leave a comment with your email address 2. Become a follower or state it in your comment if you are one already.
(Every time you leave a comment, you get your name in the drawing again so if you stop by all 13 days then you're name will be in the drawing 13 times so who says 13 is an unlucky number?
Beware of ghosts and werewolves as you continue on your journey to Tami and we'll see you tomorrow. : ) Jearise in Lorby's World.