I just finished my third shadow box. The first one I made went to a dear friend who was expecting and the second one I made went to another dear friend who got married and now I just made another. I'm not for sure if this will go to anyone or hang in my house?
It's a 5x 7 black frame shadow box from Michael's. Here are pictures of the things I used to put it together.

I used the new Cricut Flower Shoppe cartridge for the sunflowers. I wanted something for the summer that was cheerful. I used black glitter glue from the Martha Stewart Halloween collection in the middle of my flowers.
Then I used paper from The DCSV Celebration stack and embellishments from Studio 112 and Recollections.
Here's a view before I put it in the shadow box.
In case you can't read the sentiment it says, All things grow with love.
Great idea... luv it!