I am doing this for a friend's baby shower that I am hosting. Her nursery theme is monkeys so I'm trying to bring that theme through for the baby shower. I had this pinata lying around and was going to get rid of it when it hit me that I could do something fun for the shower so that the children have something special for them to do. Yes, there will be lots of children there.
I first had the fun task of peeling off the Halloween face and patching a few white areas where the tissue paper pulled off too.
I then used my Cricut and the cartridge titled: Birthday Bash. It turned out that the little monkey from this cartridge is getting ready to hit a pinata so it was more than perfect.
I cut him out at 7 inches and after piecing him together I moved on to the vines. I colored the bat using markings so I could give it some detail.
I needed a jungle leaf and didn't have any on my cartridges so I went searching on the web and found this perfect jungle leaf. The only problem was that the svg file couldn't be found so I used my snipit program (comes with the latest Windows) and then saved it as a jpg and then used my Cricut and Sure Cuts A Lot program to make a mat full,
Once I had my leaves cut out, I took a paper bag, cut it in strips and first crinkled the strips and then twisted them to make vines.
When I was done with all this, it was time to glue. I started with craft glue but went to a hot glue gun and in the end I had my jungle themed pinata which now I get to fill and hang for display and fun!
Looks super cute!